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Covid-19 Vaccination Injury Reports Soar By Over 38,000 in One Week, CDC Risking Public Health

Guest Post by Rose

Updated: May 8, 2021

*Note: 83% of VAERS Reports are generated from medical providers, state reporting agencies, and pharmaceutical companies. European reporting systems are documenting exponentially higher rates than VAERS data, as the 30 year old monitoring system captures only 1% of post vaccination injuries per Harvard research report. Low capture rate is central issue with CDC VAERS system not credibility. FDA has admitted the mass vaccination program began without adequate safety monitoring system.

Evidence shows Covid-19 vaccinations are correlated directly to injury, harm, and death.

The CDC's refusal to conduct thorough postmortem investigations for majority of post Covid-19 vaccination deaths and failure to honestly attribute harm to Covid-19 vaccines, highlight an agency far more interested in protecting the Covid-19 vaccines' public image than protecting public health.

Covid-19 vaccinations are now documented to be inducing side effects of the same symptoms vaccinations are administered to suppress at greater rates and severity than individuals will experience with a positive PCR test diagnosis of Covid-19 infection. VAERS reports up nearly 40,000 in one week. Data indicates mass vaccination program should be ceased.

This week's VAERS data update: (full report follows)

VAERS data will now be reported by total reports received along with number of VAERS reports counted as individual events. There appears to be some discrepancy in events reports that is not fully explained through multiple events submitted for one event. Further investigation is needed into this matter.

VAERS Total Injury Events Reported: 709,683

VAERS Event Individual Report Total: 157,747

Last Week total: 118,747

VAERS injury reports up 38,356 in one week


Pfizer total adverse event reports: 265,377

Pfizer VAER Individual Event Total: 59635

Total post Pfizer vaccination death reports: 8,160

VAERS Reported Individual Death Events: 1, 585


Moderna total adverse event reports: 301,570

VAERS Moderna Individual Event Total: 65,752

Total post Moderna vaccination death reports: 7,950

Moderna VAERS Individual Death Events Total: 1,839


J&J Janssen: total adverse events: 140,655

J& J Vaers Individual Event Total: 29,278

Total Post J&J death reports: 1,317

J&J VAERS Individual Death Event Total: 285

Vaers Total Injury Reports Released for Week Ending April 30, 2021 (only top 10 injuries shown)

Total Event Reports: 5,236

VAERS Death Reports Weekly Increase: 370

Time Frame Between Vaccination & Death

0 days (minutes to hours post Covid 19 vaccination) 501

1 day: 625

2 days: 292

3 days: 179

4 days: 166

5 days: 133

6 days: 82

7 days: 129

1126 deaths occurred within one day post Covid-19 vaccination

Hospitalizations Total Event Reports: 79,118

Hospitalization Individual VAERTS total: 10,692

ER Visits Total Event Reports: 136,022

VAERS Invidivual ER Event Total: 21,573

Individual Case Review for Week Ending 4/30//2021

16 year old death recorded post Pfizer Second Covid-19 Dose

Confirmed Report, Risk Factor Include mRNA vaccination associated with blood disorder and thrombolytic events, & oral contraceptive, unknown if vaccination could enhance potential for negative thrombolytic events. insufficient data to assess medication interaction risk for use of Covid-19 vaccinations, no autopsy documented:

All current Covid-19 vaccinations have been flagged for blood disorder and thrombosis:

There are currently 20 reports of individuals between the ages of 20 - 39 dying post Covid-19 vaccination within minutes to one day post Covid-19 vaccination including:

26 Year Old California Man, Autopsy Pending: Died Same Day Pfizer Covid-19 Second Dose

Report states individual became immediately ill post vaccination:

Per his parents, patient started feeling nauseous an hour or two after the vaccine and at night around 10pm it worsened where he felt nauseous, had shivers and he vomited in the middle of the night. He then vomited again the next day and continued to not feel well the next couple of days. On 4/20/2021 at around 4:20pm he called his mother, his girlfriend and his mentor that he was not feeling well, was nauseous and dizzy and had shivers and was going to pull over on his car to get something to drink. He then stopped answering his phone and was found dead in his car later on that day. Police is investigating the case.

29 Arizona woman went into Cardiopulmonary arrest one day post Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination after experiencing immediate symptoms post vaccination:

"Patient described myalgias, headache and dyspnea at ER visit on 4/1/21 at 2:37 am. Patient was discharged. Patient returned the same day at 15:40 cyanotic, altered, hypoxic and hypotensive. The patient was found to have profound metabolic acidosis, liver failure, renal failure. She went into cardiopulmonary arrest, was revived, rearrested and died. Patient was treated for possible sepsis, shock, liver failure".

Covid-19 vaccinations are currently under investigation for inducing cardiac harm and myocarditis, with 21% of post Covid-19 vaccination deaths reported to VAERS related to cardiac events:

The CDC is not being honest with the public when it states there is no evidence vaccinations are correlated to severe injury and deaths. The vaccinations have unequivocally been correlated to the deaths, European Investigations have shown it:

Take, for example, Norway's investigation into post Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination in Norway.

Norway has been leading the way in conducting real and autopsied investigation into post vaccination injury and death.

When 23 elderly citizens died in Norway, the country launched an investigation through autopsy and postmortem review of evidence and concluded that Pfizer vaccinations were inducing side effects in frail elderly which resulted in the country changing its guidance for administration of the drug in this population:

Of those deaths, 13 have been autopsied and revealed that the common side effects associated with the vaccine may have contributed to more severe reactions among frail, elderly people.

"Officials in Norway on Thursday warned that those over 80 and the terminally ill may be at risk for fatal side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine after the European country’s health agency reported a series of deaths among elderly individuals who received the inoculation.

Sigurd Hortem, chief physician at the Norwegian Medicines Agency, said side effects such as fever and nausea “may have contributed to a fatal outcome in some frail patients.”

The Norwegian Pfizer vaccination is the same drug administered to citizens in the US.

Additionally, there is serious concern that post-Covid-19 vaccination injuries are being disingenuously attributed to Covid-19 infections through severely flawed testing methods. Peer review research from the International Consortium of Science conducted by 22 experts found 10 severe errors with main test for Sars CoV-2 diagnosis, and deemed the test 'useless' for detection of the virus attributed to cause Covid-19 infections.

Additionally, the test have been admitted by Dr Anthony Fauci, and shown in independent medical studies featured in the New York Times, to be run a cycle levels that over-amplify the test sample material and produce majority false positive by default. Despite this being exposed last summer, the US continue to run tests at rates that will generate faulty data and large numbers of false positives on a simple test recommendation error.

Right now, post vaccinations injures are being attributed to Covid-19 injury on symptom presentation or the use of severely flawed test. This is entirely unacceptable, as the tests have been now found unsuitable for diagnosis of Covid-19 attributed infection, and the Covid-19 attributed symptoms literally mirror the symptoms of hundreds of other respiratory illness and disease. Additionally, a simple positive on a diagnostic tool is not grounds for attribution of death without serious consideration of all contributing factors.

Covid-19 attributed deaths have an average of 4.0 serious co-morbidites.

A recent report featured in the media highlights the problem with a Nebraska woman dying after two doses of the Pfizer vaccination.

Public health official attribution of this death to Covid-19 is entirely disingenuous, as the testing methods are non specific to Sars CoV2 and no actual investigation was done into this woman's death. Instead of initiating autopsied research, as in the case of Norway, the US simply is able to dismiss any death post Covid-19 on the grounds of a faulty positive test.

This is both, unethical, and dangerous to public health. The CDC has no set standard for post Covid-19 vaccination death assessment, and the CDC is dismissing all deaths occurring post Covid-19 vaccination on the grounds of establishing plausible deniability rather public health safety.

This has been shown in the agency failing to investigate and assign cause of death in cases of immediate anaphylactic shock. post Covid-19 vaccination, as demonstrated in the case of Drene Keyes.

Drene Keyes, Mother, Minister

The Virginia governor's press secretary met with media officials to write media narratives after Drene Keyes went into anaphylactic shock post Covid-19 Pizer vaccination. The CDC refused to do an autopsy and then, refused to assign cause of death despite clear indication Ms Keyes death was induced due to Pfizer vaccination with the development of severe rapid pulmonary edema (classic sign of anaphylactic shock) post vaccination.

The injury and death rates revealed by VAERS indicate the Covid-19 vaccination should be halted immediately. For context, the Swine Flu vaccination program was halted after 53 deaths were associated with vaccination, and the program was halted. There are now over 4,100 deaths post Covid-19 vaccination, over a fourth occurring one day post vaccination.

This level of injury is unacceptable, and, at the rate of occurrence and severity, it is a matter of when the vaccinations are pulled from the market, not if. It is imperative for the public to act to prevent anymore unnecessary harm from occurring.

Recommended viewing: Swine Flu Scandal of 1976, Vaccination Halted on Far Less Data:

Recommended Reading:


May 10, 2021

May 08, 2021

Mike Wallace was a true media man and could never be paid off by big pharma or mafia medicine. THANK GOD! So appreciative of the information and FACTS given regarding these injections and the history that was provided regarding the Swine Flu Scandal by Mike Wallace was extraordinary!!! THANK YOU!!!!


Please do not post fear mongering on the comment board. Division and othering between vaxxed versus unvaxxed is not something to foster.

May 10, 2021
Replying to

“For more than 70 years a branch of public health science has been studying fear. But not to help humans cope. Seventy years of study have gone into how to scare people into compliance or submission in obeying public health officials and politicians. As it turns out, fear is a powerful motivator and can drive humans to be more easily manipulated into doing things they would ordinarily resist doing.

Few citizens realize that the government and public health scientists have put time, money and much effort into studying how to scare people into doing what the experts want us to do.  The study of fear as a tool to manipulate individuals or populations is called “Fear Appeal.” It is a…

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