-Policy makers are decimating health care profession with vaccine mandates and falsely blaming staff shortages on Covid-19 instead of policies which have pushed thousands to leave profession
-Two FDA top level staff walked after Biden announced implementation of booster vaccine program despite safety concerns within the agency, with Politico describing 'mutiny'' happening within the organization
-The CDC, FDA, and government policy makers continue to enact Covid-19 policies based on fraudulent testing and attribution standards with the CDC now counting post vaccination deaths occurring in first two weeks as 'unvaccinated' with over 60s% of VAERS Covid-19 death reports submitted in the first two weeks post vaccination.....
Three Stories in the Blog:
Story ONE:
Video Feature:
Joshua Watkins, CCP is a Clinical Perfusionist in Redding, CA. Issues WARNING on mandates and serious health consequences of resulting staff shortages:
The Mandates must be opposed on two standards. One, infringement of civil, liberty and human rights. Two, documented medical fraud.
The Story:
Pfizer & Moderna mRNA & Johnson & Johnson adenovirus vector inoculations do not stop transmission of disease, rendering the drugs useless as a public health intervention for containment of disease. (Fauci informed the public months ago, the drugs were approved on symptom suppression and NOT transmission reduction).
Public health organization and vaccine trial evidence clearly document Covid-19 drugs induce side effects mirroring the very symptoms (or worse) inoculations are authorized to suppress at far greater rates and severity than individuals will experience with a positive test result for Sars CoV2.
The drugs do not WORK per all evidence and vaccine trial data. Public health officials are misrepresenting data to public and utilizing fraudulent testing and attribution standards to perpetuate narrative to falsely justify unnecessary and harmful government directives. And, health administrators and physicians are severely failing the public in promoting CDC false narratives and acting against licensing and ethical standards in promoting non evidenced based policies resulting in severe individual and public health harms.
Vaccine Mandates & Pending Implosion of America's Health Care System
The United States is facing a severe nursing, doctor, and care giver shortage. Many hospitals have closed across the country in recent years, and many are already severely short staffed.
A recent poll of Ohio nurses found 1/3 will leave the profession rather than submit to Covid-19 vaccine mandates. And, a larger percentage are only submitting to the inoculations out of economic blackmail, the jab or your job.
Nursing home associations are warning that Joe Biden's federal Covid-19 vaccine mandate will have catastrophic consequences for elders.
"The mandate that came out of the Biden administration I think is viewed by a lot of providers as being more punitive than helpful," John Sauer, the president and CEO of LeadingAge Wisconsin, said.
The Biden administration is defunding nursing homes which do not mandate Covid-19 vaccines which will result in severe staff shortages and care home closures. The Biden administration is enacting a policy which has NO documented health benefit, exposes employees to unnecessary health risks, and will deny access of end of life care to elderly across the United States.
Maine care homes are beginning to close due to staff shortage driven by Covid-19 directives and vaccine mandates:
"New factors are adding more stress. In a survey released Wednesday by the Maine Health Care Association, 94 percent of long-term care facilities said they had staff shortages. Nearly half described the issue as a “crisis” and they placed pandemic burnout and vaccine mandates as the top challenges facing an industry that has long struggled to find workers".
" The closing of Saanich Peninsula Hospital’s emergency department on Saturday night due to staff shortages — diverting all urgent cases to Victoria General and Royal Jubilee — is a general example of the pressure on hospitals, B.C.’s health minister said".
"The state’s new vaccine mandate for health care workers is already causing headaches for understaffed hospitals before it is even implemented. Some traveling nurses — who are in high demand nationwide — are turning down California assignments because they don’t want to get vaccinated.
"Houston hospitals have “reached a breaking point” amid a COVID-19 outbreak, which struck weeks after 150 hospital workers were fired by Houston Methodist hospital, one of several hospitals struggling:.
"A nurse at a state prison says the Department of Corrections could be in for a rude awakening in October when those unwilling to get the COVID-19 vaccine will have to leave their jobs.
Rebekah Zabel, who works as a nurse at Coyote Ridge Corrections Center in Connell, said based on conversations she has had with her colleagues, at least 20-25% of the nurses at the facility plan to walk away from their jobs rather than get the vaccine — herself included".
Several health officials in the Rochester area say New York state's current vaccine mandate for all healthcare workers is going to have dire consequences. Nursing homes and hospitals are already seeing staff resign, and the mandate hasn't even started yet.
News10NBC looks at how officials are taking action through a letter with hopes the state will make modifications.
The letter, signed by the leaders of 10 counties in the Rochester area, asks Gov. Kathy Hochul and New York State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker to consider some changes to the mandate to help prevent the walkout of more healthcare employees from local medical facilities.
New York State Public Health Meeting Reveals VERY Serious Concern Over Staffing Shortages Due to Vaccine Mandate: (Video Link - Start Video at 21:13, photo directs to video page) - "Urgency' & "Crisis"

The entire narrative of Covid-19 government directives and vaccine policies is coached in the protection of public health. However, the policies do not serve public health and doctors who speak to this reality are fired, thus denying access of care to populations already facing severe physician shortages. Dr. Anne McCloskey recently spoke out to voice her concerns about injuries she was witnessing in association with Covid-19 vaccines, and subsequently fired and disciplined. She was the only GP serving a large district on her last shift:
Please sign petition to support this courageous doctor (do not donate money to campaign unless you want the money to go directly to the website, it won't go to the doctor)
Global issue: UK
"Ambulance services across the country are failing to meet the most basic levels of timely care"
Story Two:
Mutiny at the FDA - Two Top Regulators Quit Over Political Intervention at Agency over Covid-19 vaccinations:
The Biden administration, again, proved that Covid-19 vaccine directives are driven by political and not health considerations. Biden announced booster approval and expected mandates despite serious concern about potential health risks and lack of evidence for intervention by members of the FDA.
"On Tuesday, two top FDA vaccine regulators resigned — a decision that one former official said was rooted in anger over the agency’s lack of autonomy in the booster planning so far. A current health official said the pair, Marion Gruber and Philip Krause, left over differences with FDA’s top vaccine official Peter Marks. Now the agency is facing a potential mutiny among its staff and outside vaccine advisers, several of whom feel cut out of key decisions and who view the plan to offer boosters to all adults as premature and unnecessary".
The FDA is also mired in confusion and claims of fraud over bait & switch 'full approval' of Covid-19 vaccinations which does not actually constitute full approval of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine:
The FDA acknowledged (footnote 9): “Although COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) is approved to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older, there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution to this population in its entirety at the time of reissuance of this EUA.”
The FDA did not explain what it meant by “reissuance of this EUA” for the Comirnaty vaccine — which the FDA says is now fully approved"
Story Three.
CDC Covid-19 Attribution Standards Reach a New Level of Low: Vaccinated Deaths Counted as Unvaccinated:
8448 of the of the 13,627 (61%) of VAERS reported deaths post Covid vaccination have been documented to occur in the first two weeks post vaccination. The CDC is now categorizing individuals who die within two weeks of a Covid-19 vaccine as unvaccinated, allowing the agency to falsely categorize majority of vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated.
CDC Chart Documenting Deaths in LA County Classifies Vaccinated Persons as Unvaccinated if Death Occurred within Two Weeks, the Time Period Most Vaccine Related Deaths Are Reported To VAERS
The entirety of the Covid-19 testing and attribution standards are based on fraudulent standards. The FDA & CDC have implemented RT PCR testing as the central testing method for detection of Sars CoV2. RT PCR testing is a research and not a diagnostic tool, and the FDC has deliberately set the cycle threshold rate (the number of cycles test sample material will be run through) at rates that over-amplify the test sample material by default.
A rate over 24 has been documented in studies to pick up nothing more than dead non infectious material, the CDC currently is running the rate at 28 CT for vaccinated and 40 CT for unvaccinated. This discrepancy ensures vaccinated individuals who are tested at the lower rate will receive less false positives, and falsely elevates case numbers in the unvaccinated.
Corman Drosten, the scientist who wrote the paper on which the RT PCR Sars CoV2 testing is based has admitted that anything over 24 CT rate is too high. Studies have shown rates over 24 CT confirm no live growth after 24 cycles:
"If the test system only begins detection after a large number of replication cycles, the viral
load is so low that active infection is ruled out. In the NDR podcast of May 7, 2020, you
yourself referred to a study according to which a patient is considered "less infectious"
above 25 cycles. In fact, the authors of a Canadian study failed to identify any replicable
virus beyond 24 cycles (Jared Bullard et al. in Clinical Infectious Diseases,
https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ ciaa638). Nevertheless, when the new case numbers are
added up again, nowhere is it checked at which Ct value the cut-off was set in the
respective positive test case. This makes the result of a PCR test highly susceptible to
manipulation - and thus susceptible to political influence when high case numbers are
"needed" in order to intimidate the population. In any case, the values determined on the
basis of a PCR test are not a sufficient basis for a complete shutdown of public life and
interference with people's liberties on an unprecedented scale."
Study documenting no infectious material over a rate of 24 CT HERE.
RT PCR testing for Sars CoV2 detection has been deemed useless for detection of the virus by a 22 expert peer review panel curated by the International Consortium of Science. All individual diagnosis based on testing unsuitable for detection of Sars CoV2 and run at CT rates which produce false positive by default of the test setting are invalidated. All state case numbers, morbidity rates, hospitalizations, and infection statistics are invalidated. All research measuring end point outcomes and initial diagnosis are all invalid due to use of faulty tests.
Full documentation of severely flawed testing methods and attribution standards may be viewed HERE and HERE and HERE.
The fraud of the FDA, CDC, & WHO testing and attribution standards is out in the open. It is not a question of IF this occurring, it is documented extensively by the public health organization's own data.
How long will the American citizenry continue to believe policy makers endless contradictions and comply with nonsensical and devastating 'health' policies before Americans look to review what is hidden in plain sight?
Update Alert: New deaths and stories in Stories of the Vaccine Injured/Censored Post:
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